Infocus News
In an interesting meeting at Advanced Media headquarters,In Focus Club organized a workshop with Sony Ambassador, DOP, and Colorist Remon ElMarkez. Remon presented an agenda that included a detailed explanation of S-Log and a detailed comparison between S-Log 2, te S-Log 3, and CineTone. Then he colored some of the scenes he filmed using DaVinci and told us about the setup he follows in adjusting the camera settings for different lighting conditions using Sony a7siii and Sony FX30

تحت إشراف المصور ” محمد أحيا “نظم نادي إن فوكاس ضمن مشروع المنحة ورشة تصوير و مسابقة في محيط قاهرة المعز و جاءت الورشة تحت عنوان ( الكراسي ) ، حيث كان الهدف من الورشة التركيز على تصوير الكراسي مع اختلاف الأسلوب والمدرسة التي سيتبعها المصورون ، على أن يقوم المصورون برفع أعمالهم التي خرجت نتاج الورشة فقط على حسابهم الشخصي على انستجرام مع استخدام الهشتاج المخصص للمسابقة حيث يحصل الفائز بالمركز الأول على رحلة تصوير مجانية من تنظيم نادي إن فوكاس
شملت الورشة شرح تقديمي من الزميل محمد أحيا صاحبه عرض لبعض الصور ثم جولة تفقدية لأزقة و حواري شارع المعز لدين الله و حي الجمالية و انتهت الجولة بجلسة إفطار جماعي على أحد المقاهي بجوار مسجد وخانقاة بيبرس الچاشنكير
BTS from INFOCUS trip to Fayoum governate during the world wide photowalk 2023
من كواليس رحلة نادي إن فوكاس لمحافظة الفيوم ضمن مشاركته في جولة الفوتوك العالمية ٢٠٢٣
#ScottKelby #WorldwidePhotowalk #wwpw2023

Sense of A Soul is a photographic documentation project by artist Mohamed Fawzi Kotb. This project aims to document the most important landmarks of the heritage city of Alexandria, an ancient city that witnessed different civilizations, each of which left its architectural mark on the city’s streets.
Sponsored by Sony, In Focus Club hosted Muhammad in a lecture that told about the behind-the-scenes of the making of this project, which took many years to produce 400 artistic images, each with a different event and a new story.
Muhammad told us about the rules of street photography, how the photographer manages his project and his talent, and how he creates a binding and serious time plan for himself. He also talked about the preferred lenses in street photography and about the pioneers of documentary photography, such as Henry Cartier Pearson and other inspiring photographers for those interested in the field of Documentary. .
Muhammad concluded his talk by presenting his latest artistic production. Participants had the opportunity to try out the distinctive cameras from Sony A7III, A7 IV and A7C, as well as Sony G Master Lenses.